Basic life values and goals

The value survey I went through showed some interesting things. First of all, it seems that my grouping would not coincide with the factorial analysis so far, as my evaluations for God/heaven related questions do not go in the same directions as the family/relationship questions. While the second group is very important to me, I could not but give 0s for the first group as I'm not convinced in the reality of the afterlife and salvation, not to mention the concepts behind them. Second, I found myself to be lower than the lowest average point on all variables. May be, it's because I was very cautious in giving 4s and 5s? If I look at the values I deemed most important, I would see a continuum between person- oriented values (marriage, for example) and humanity-oriented values (e.g., spreading philosophical knowledge). They all seem to be related, though: 1 - Enjoying a good marriage or lifetime partnership 28 - Working to educate children 32 - Providing a good life for your ch...