Playing God – making the best of all possible worlds

Choose some “Viewpoints” questions from Keen and Valley-Fox from Chapter 5 for developing the Goals Statement.
Chosen: Play God and make this the best of all possible worlds (p85).

My “best of all possible worlds” is the world of the Free Communicators. The conscious creatures of the world have the ultimate possibility to communicate with each other, instantaneously and with the ultimate efficiency. They all have the ability to understand each other’s messages and ideas immediately. This pertains both to the ability to pass them along and to understand them. The conscious creatures can also shield themselves from communication, if and when they wish.

The conscious creatures – animals, people, other – are free. They are all endowed with the Free Will, the ability to direct their behavior to their own liking. The creatures are all born with a repertoire of behavioral skills at their disposal – ability to walk, communicate, etc. They can use and develop them as they please.

There is pain, yet it is only the one the free-willed creatures can inflict on each other and upon themselves. No more microbes and viruses with programmed instinctual behavior.

Who works? What are the sexual and other mores? How are children raised and educated? I have no idea and no desire to determine. I will sit there and watch what the Free Communicators will build themselves. I do not want to create a puppet theatre world where I pull the strings. The best of all possible worlds is the world of the free and connected.


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